Gourmet Corporate Lunch Boxes (min 6)

Lunch Box Quantites

Treat your team to a gourmet lunch box. Each box is designed for one person to graze on and supplied with cutlery and a napkin. Not suitable for GF or DF. If you have a guest with specific dietary needs you can order them a Protein and Salad lunch box

There is a minimum of 6 lunch boxes per order, each additional box is $30 incl gst. 

Gourmet Lunch Box 
Club Sandwich finger(choose your flavour below), savoury muffin and butter,  cheesy shortbread, seedy crackers, castello blue cheese, puhoi brie cheese, cornichons, pretzels, nuts, seasonal fruit, mini cake + macaron

Gourmet Corporate Lunch Boxes (min 6)
From $180.00